Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 8: Faker

Day 8 was really not the biggest success when it comes to 99 Days of Laughter. Samantha just was not in a laughing mood at all. She wasn't even full of her usual smiles. In fact, the day started off with puke...poop...and pee!

I'm not sure why Samantha was sick this morning, maybe it's because she's a Minnesota fan and was ill about how they lost to Green Bay. (That one's for you Andrew...ha!) I should have warned her that Green Bay is awesome! What ever the reason was, it was not a great start to the morning.

After Samantha (and mommy) had a nice snooze, her attitude was still off. I tried everything to get her to even giggle: My Big Foot dancing, my cheek smacking, not even tickles worked! In fact, she actually tried to poop on me while I was changing her diaper and blowing raspberries on her belly!

Finally, while we were at out grabbing birthday stuff for Josh's big day, she gave in. Though I'm pretty darn sure she was faking it just so I would stop humiliating both her and myself in public. Nothing better than a Mommy making fart noises and popping sounds while in line at Walmart! HA!

But after a long day of puke, pee and poop, it's certainly nice to know that even if it was a fake laugh, she was laughing to make me happy. 

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