Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 22: Dear Samantha

Dear Samantha,

Today, you are officially 7 months old! 7 months that have been filled with tears, sleepless nights, dirty diapers, 1 hospital visit and a smile that can melt you heart.

Since, that day you were born, I knew my life was going to change. Though, I could have never have dreamed that my life would change in the way that it has. I have learned so much from you. I have learned to be patient when you don't want to sleep and cry and scream and squirm in my arms for an hour only to sleep for 30 minutes. But these are memories I wouldn't trade for anything. The way you sleep in my arms, the way your eyes light up when you smile, the way you laugh and giggle when you bounce around in my arms.

I could never have imagined a love so strong. A love that could grow larger and stronger everyday. Every day I become more and more proud of you; of your accomplishments, of your ambition, of your perseverance.

Now that you can crawl, it has become your mission to climb over and on top of everything your little fingers can get a hold of! And no matter how hard you fall, you snuggle into my arms and then are right back at it! I truly hope that this is a trait that you will carry on throughout your life. No matter what happens, no matter how hard you fall, always remember that 1) I will always be there for you and 2) to get back up and try again.

This is one of the many reasons I am so proud of you, so proud to be your mom. As stubborn as you can be, you never give up. No matter how many times I put you on your play mats, you always go back to climbing up the table. I must admit, I am probably more tired now than I was when you were a newborn, but we are having so much fun together, that I choose to believe that that is the reason I am so tired. Luckily, knock on wood, you have been a great little sleeper and are now sleeping through the night. Now we just have to work on getting you to sleep...

I also hope that you never lose your sense of adventure.You just love the butterfly-belly feeling when the weasel goes "pop" or when that spider climbs that waterspout. Your eyes light up with joy and anticipation for the next rise or fall! Don't ever loose that joy, that excitement, that thrill. Don't be afraid to question. Question me, question your dad, question everyone. Remember, it's OK to look at the world from a new perspective, from a new angle.

Although, I'm sure this letter is probably sounding like a country music song, it really is what I hope for you. I have so many hopes and dreams for you. Ones that I will never write on paper, for the simple fact of, I want you to be you. I want you to experience life the way you want to experience it. And as much as I will help to guide you in the right direction, I am excited to hear about all your hopes and dreams! 

But please remember that you will always be my little girl and even when you're grown up and married with children of your own, this is how I will always remember you.

Your Mom

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