Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 45: Loving You

Yesterday was Samantha's first Valentine's Day. I really hope that when she grows up, she will find someone to love her enough that there is no need to celebrate this "holiday". I hope she finds someone who will tell her everyday that she is beautiful, that she is special and that they love her. In my personal opinion you shouldn't need a holiday to remember to tell the person your with that you love them and to buy them some flowers and chocolate. (But I'll also be the first to admit, that it sure is nice.)

Either way, yesterday was a day full of love, laughter, stress and tears...

We started off the day with a trip to Chapters for Tales for Tots. That's when meltdown number 1 started. Samantha kept putting the Thomas the Train in her mouth, so I kept taking it out and putting it down. With the number of little fingers that touch Mr. Thomas on a daily basis, the last thing I need is for Samantha to catch another bug. Well, she DID NOT like that I kept taking the train out of her mouth and she put on a full out scream! Oh, I'm sorry Little Miss Think-You-Can-Get-What-You-Want ...well I put an end to that and we left the train set all together. Sure, sure she's not even 8 months old...but she knows that word "No" and I'm certainly not going to let her be the boss. I didn't yesterday, I'm not today and I'm certainly not going to tomorrow. Get used to it kiddo.

Next on the agenda was a fun play date with Tina and Violet, just in time for meltdown number 2! I have never heard her scream and fuss and throw herself like that! All I could do was try and "hold" her so she wouldn't hurt me or herself and just laugh...I keep telling myself that she's teething, she's teething, she's teething, but these darn teeth are not cutting through, so I sure hope this is not just her trying to get her own way (place picture of mother in denial here)

After some quiet time, we broke out the cameras and had our own mini Valentine's Day photo shoot! The girls were SO adorable and actually fairly well behaved. But, I certainly understand why agencies only allow their baby models to work for 20 minutes at a time. Goodbye attention span, goodbye smiles, goodbye bright eyes and hello tantrums, hello tears and hello stressed out Mommy!

All in all, it was a pretty good day. I got some snuggles from Samantha and I got some movie time with Daddy and some beautiful pictures to last a lifetime! And although we had a lot of fun today, I'm sure glad the tears and stress are over for now!


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