Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 61: How to Survive a Waterloo Winter

I am so thankful that Samantha's first winter has been a good one! Now, don't get me wrong, I am SO excited to break out the shorts and listen to Samantha laugh in the sunshine, but I really do love the beauty of winter. Sure there has been rain and slush, rain and ice, and rain and hail. But, there has also been snow! And lots of it for that matter! I cannot remember a winter that has had this much snow and I really have tried my best to enjoy every moment I can with Samantha while it's here.

So, how do you survive a Waterloo winter you ask? Well, luckily, we live in an area that is full of amazing adventures and possibilities. But, there are three things you have to remember: 1) get out 2) have fun and 3) bundle up!

First, I am lucky enough to be a part of an amazing moms group and we meet at least once a week with our babies. While the kiddies play, we talk and laugh and sit back and relax. This is great for both Samantha and I, because we both get a little stir crazy if we've been "house-locked" for a few days. Those are the days when a trip to the grocery store alone is a vacation! "Hunny! We need milk, see you in an hour...or two!"

However, Samantha and I have had quite a few adventures this winter! We've watched the boys play hockey on the ice rink in the park, went on a sleigh ride, had a blast at the Winterloo Ice Dogs Festival and even got to see the Wonders of Winter at Waterloo Park. It seemed like there was always something to do every weekend, which has certainly helped to make this winter pass by a little bit faster. I'm especially excited to bring her to the Elmira Maple Syrup Festival this year. All the sights, sounds and smells will be amazing for her to experience.

Next, you have to remember to have fun. Winter can be such a looooooong season if you're not having fun. So, grab a toboggan and go for a ride!  Take some a snow and make a snowman! Throw yourself down in it and make a snow angel! Look around you, there is so much to explore and so many fun ways to do it! Even just taking the dog out for a walk after "Snowageddon" was an adventure! Next winter will be even more fun, because Samantha will be able to play in the snow with us! 

Lastly, you have to bundle up to enjoy winter! There is nothing worse than being cold in the winter. OK, maybe being wet and cold...that would definitely be worse! So remember to put on your long johns, break out the winter boots and grab a cup of Hot Chocolate from Tim Hortons!

But, if you're having one of those days where you just don't want to fight with the kids' snowsuits, your boots and the dog. Or it's -25C without the windchill, why not bring the winter fun inside? Grab a large or small Tupperware dish or storage bin, put some snow in it and let the kids have fun! It's a great way to have in the snow and not get cold!

Remember, winter is only a few months long and the best way to not get chilled to the bone is to enjoy it as much as you can. Wether that means putting on Thomas' Snowsuit and jumping in the snow or sitting beside the fire with a cup of cocoa is up to you. And if all else fails remember...spring is only a few weeks away!

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