But today, well today was certainly not my favorite day. Today was a day that had some laughter, had lots of tears and was just cold, wet and dreary.
Firstly, I had the bright idea that it would be a good idea to venture on out into the January rain. Not the best way to start our day...but just had to get out of the house. The second bright idea I had, was not only was I going to venture out into the January rain, but I was going to use public transportation...in January...with a 7 month old...in the rain!
Yup, can you picture it...There I am skating down the ice covered driveway and sidewalk, like the graceful ballerina that I am, trying not to fall on my rear-end while pushing the stroller and trying to hold the umbrella over me and the stroller! After sliding up to the bus stop only to have the bus then proceed to be 15 minutes late (apparently due to bad weather).
"Fetch" did not stop there. It was her favorite game all day, not so much mine. Samantha, my little diva girl, would "Mmmm" and "Hhhhh" and "Uhhhhh" louder and louder until I would finally acknowledge that she dropped the toy and pick it back up to give her. Only to play "fetch" over and over and over again. My only escape was to play some Baby Einstein... and a game of hide and seek! Again, not one of mommy's favorite games to play with a 7 month old crawler!
I know, this is all part of her stages of development, developing her fine motor skills and learning about cause and effect. I also know that as I pick up her toy for the umptenth time she is learning the fine art of mind control and mommy control!
In all fairness, I am proud of her. So very proud of her. She is learning so fast and growing so quickly. I feel like everyday she has a new surprise to show me, a new skill to show off and if anything a giant smile to show the world!
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