Day 18 turned out to be a fabulous day, morning to night!
This is what I woke up to this morning! My baby girl standing and waiting for me to wake from my slumber and come and play with her.
There she was, proudly standing in the corner of her crib, bouncing with excitement as I walked into her room. How could I not smile and laugh at her.
She is getting SO brave too. The closer I got to her crib, the higher she raised her arms for me to pick her up. I hate to tell you, Baby Girl, but you're not quite that coordinated yet. And sure enough...kerplop...on to her bum she fell. But, she is getting closer and closer to standing on her own and by the end of the day today was trying SO hard to go from the coffee table to the couch.
This has me so proud of her, yet completely terrified at the same time! I'm certainly her biggest cheerleader...but in the back of my mind all I hear is "Push her over...Push her over...Don't let her learn how to walk yet!".
I did contemplate creating my own sweater for her that said "I'm too Cute for this Sweater to be Ugly" but was far to tired and lazy to do it at 10 o'clock last night. Mind you, I'd be happy to sell the idea to anyone who's interested. HA, guess it's public knowledge now. But, seriously, totally doing this next year!
Well, like I said morning to night, was filled with smiles, giggles and laughter. We chased the kitty, bounced on the ball, tickled and made funny popping sounds. I really don't understand this girl...I guarantee these methods of laughter will not work tomorrow...but I guess we'll just have to wait and find out!
I guess today was a success in more than one way. We not only laughed, but we've reached a huge milestone for Samantha. Now, Samantha, stop standing and bouncing in your crib and go to sleep - I can hear you from down here!
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