Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Shark Attack Fruit Salad

Ok, you've all been asking and since Samantha is finally asleep for the night, I can give you the directions, tips and tricks to making this awesome Summertime centerpiece!

This was the centerpiece we used at Samantha's Pirate Fundraiser Party and it was a huge hit!

1 Watermelon (the longer the better)
Dry Erase Marker
Large Knife
Smaller Utility Knife (or one of those tiny pumpkin carving sets)
Melon Baller or Large Spoon
1 Large Bowl
1 Large Cutting Board
2 Blueberries
Garnish (fresh fruit, swedish fish, etc)

First off, remember to thourghly wash your watermelon. Many people often overlook this important healthy step! After, your watermelon is washed, cut off the bottom third at a slight angle (so that it looks like the shark is leaning forward) Tip Lay the watermelon down flat and draw a line, using the dry erase marker, down and slightly towards the front. Then slice!
Next, draw and cut your mouth. (Save this for later) Using your melon baller or large spoon to carve out the flesh inside the watermelon. Tip Put the balls or chunks of watermelon in the large bowl to use later. To cut the teeth, use your small utility knide, and gentle make an insicion around the mouth. Be careful not to go all the way through, you just want to cut the surface of the rind. Then, carve off the green rind around the mouth. Tip A peeler works really well here!
After the rind is gone, it's time to give that shark some nice pointy pearly whites! I also carved out some eyeholes and gills. Place your blueberry inside the eyeholes and hold in place with a toothpick.
Finally, using a piece of rind from the mouth, carve it into a dorsal fin. You may have to slightly round the bottom so it fits nicely on the bottom of the watermelon. Again, hld this in place using toothpicks.
Finally, using the melon balls/chunks and other fresh fruit, stuff your melon a bit and scatter around on the platter.

This really is apretty easy process, as long as you have some time and patience

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